Sunday, May 25, 2008

Notes on a bike ride

Short ride on the Tour de Trash-plus-Wastewater Treatment Plant loop, ca. 9:30 a.m. . . . Northwest wind presenting a small challenge heading north and west, lending a push going east and south . . . Along Rd 28H (aka The Dump Road), egrets small and large in the field to the north, and, on a wire to the south, astonishingly, an owl; no binoculars with me, so couldn't see what kind, but its ears were clearly visible . . . down past the wastewater treatment plant with its pungent scent of sulphur and a lovely view to the south . . .

Returning to Rd. 106, an encounter with another group of bikers, these a bit bigger (and louder) than mine . . .

One more photo, this one to the west from the bridge, then home . . .

N.B.: These pix taken with my cell phone and e-mailed from same to my computer. Ain't technology grand?


Anonymous said...

Most likely great-horned owl: three young fledged from a tree near the dump entrance in late april...

Infield Single said...

Majorly cool!