Saturday, June 21, 2008

It's about time

Shelly Bailes and Ellen Pontes held their wedding reception this evening at the Vets Memorial Center. They invited everyone in town who wanted to wish them well and to celebrate and support the right of same-sex couples to marry. It's a good thing they held the event in the Vets, because it was packed. So many people, gay and straight, couples and singles, came to celebrate. They had five wedding cakes. Four were sheet cakes, each with a different phrase: "It's about love," "It's about marriage," and "It's about time!"; the last of the four said "Ellen and Shelly." The fifth cake was a "traditional" tiered cake; it was topped with two brides.

One of the best moments was when Shelly and Ellen asked all of the couples in attendance who planned to be married to come up and join them at the front of the room. There were so many, I couldn't count them all. Among them were my old friend Buzz and his partner, Sam, who will marry July 20, and Bob Bynum (who, in 1984, hired me to edit Staff News in the UC Davis Office of Public Affairs, thus inadvertently launching my career as a writer and editor) and his partner of 20 years, Peter, who got married this past week. If the voters in California could have seen the happiness in that room, the fate of the proposition banning same-sex marriage would be sealed. Mazel tov to them all!


Anonymous said...

Damn. I meant to go to this. I DID go, on Monday night, having misread the note in the Enterprise. I made them a card and everything. Last night having moved some friends (mostly having volunteered to clean their old house for them, which is something you don't want to spend your energy doing), I was too hot and tired to think straight.

I'll send them the card.

Glad you went, though, Babs.

The Fevered Brain said...

Pica, "thinking straight" was not what it was about! Sorry, couldn't resist.

Anonymous said...

Oh God. No, it wasn't.

but I still can't think straight.