Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Cheap chicken

I'm working on being thrifty, partly because of the general economic malaise but mostly out of sheer necessity (my only freelance project is a story for the magazine, which won't produce any $$ until January, and then only if I manage to get it written and submitted). So Monday for dinner I roasted a 4-lb chicken, along with some potatoes and carrots and turnips. I must say, it was delicious, and I've been eating the leftovers in various ways—just reheated, in a sandwich for lunch, and tonight I made rice and bean burritos with a bit of chicken added in. I was surprised to realize that I'd never roasted a chicken before. Turkey, yes, but not chicken. I intend to see just how many meals I can get out of it; I even froze the bones and will see if they'll manage to work into soup at some point. Should have followed Susan's example and taken a picture of it to post here, but at the time I didn't even think of it. But it looked very presentable.


The Fevered Brain said...

We managed to get 11 person meals out of our chicken. That included two meals of the bird as it was first cooked (4 person meals), two meals of chicken pot pie (4 person meals), two chicken salads, and one more pot pie lunch. Given that you're feeding one, you could conceivably get 22 meals out of that little chick. Now THAT'S economy!

The Fevered Brain said...

One more thing; we boiled up the bones, some roasting juices, pieces of crispy skin and made a delicious, rich chicken broth. Chilled it, skimmed the fat, poured it into ice cube trays and now have about 3 quarts of frozen broth for the coming soup season! Who knows how many person-meals we'll get out of that!

Infield Single said...

This is exactly what I hope to achieve: multiple person-meals (or even meals for multiple persons). Should have saved the roasting juices, though. Chalk it up to novice chicken roasting.